Your Research Partner in Addiction Neuroscience

Gain access to structured recovery participants, long-term data tracking, and a research-ready environment designed for groundbreaking addiction studies.

We Wrote a Paper… But We’re Not Academics—That’s Where You Come In!

It’s not technically peer-reviewed—yet. But the research is real, the citations are solid, and the opportunity? Even better.

As you scroll, you’ll find key excerpts laying the groundwork for something bigger: a research partnership where your expertise meets real-world impact.

Skim it, scrutinize it, or redline it like a tough dissertation defense—we can take it.

rates by over 50% compared to traditional treatment models (Tang et al., 2016). Despite these promising findings, such interventions remain underexplored in long-term, real-world recovery settings.

The Helios Recovery Center aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge neuroscience and holistic addiction rehabilitation.

Our six-pillar model integrates key elements of neurobiological restoration with behavioral, psychological, and social interventions, offering a comprehensive, research-driven framework for addiction recovery.

Helios integrates cutting-edge neuroscience with addiction treatment, offering a research-ready framework for studying dopamine regulation, neuroplasticity, and habit reprogramming in real-world recovery.

year longitudinal tracking, allowing researchers to monitor dopamine receptor recovery, cognitive function improvements, and emotional regulation over time (Volkow et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2012).

Helios provides replication-ready interventions—exercise, mindfulness, habit formation, creativity-based therapies—all under one roof.

This consistency enhances replicability and comparability, providing a strong foundation for academic rigor and funding (Bergen-Cico & Salekin, 2022; Parvaz et al., 2022).rates by over 50% compared to

Our structured programs—including exercise, mindfulness, and cognitive retraining—offer researchers a turnkey environment for studying behavioral interventions without starting from scratch.

Stoic cognitive reframing, expressive writing) to evaluate their impact on emotional regulation and identity reconstruction (Meshberg-Cohen, Svikis, & McMahon, 2014).

At Helios, we bring neuroscientists, psychologists, and behavioral researchers together to refine integrated treatment paradigms.

The Helios model aligns with funding priorities of major research institutions, including the

Helios connects neuroscientists, psychologists, and behavioral experts to refine and test integrated addiction treatment models, bridging disciplines to advance recovery science.

The Helios Recovery Center provides a structured, neuroscience-informed addiction and mental health recovery model designed for real-world research integration. Unlike traditional laboratory studies, which often struggle with external validity (Shiffman, Stone, & Hufford, 2008),

Helios offers an ecologically valid environment where behavioral interventions can be studied within naturalistic treatment settings.

This approach aligns with the growing recognition that addiction and mental health interventions must be evaluated in real-world conditions to ensure that findings translate effectively into clinical practice (Stout, 2021).

Study addiction interventions where they actually happen—in a structured, naturalistic recovery environment, ensuring greater clinical relevance and external validity.

programs have reduced cravings and relapse rates by over 50% compared to traditional treatment models (Tang et al., 2016).

This real-world setting addresses the ‘science-to-service’ gap, ensuring findings translate into actionable clinical practice.

Many research efforts are constrained by short follow-up periods, narrowly selected participant samples, and artificial study conditions that do not accurately reflect the dynamic and

Helios ensures research turns into real-world solutions, allowing academics to measure and refine addiction treatments in active clinical settings.

presents academic co-authorship opportunities for high-impact publications in addiction neuroscience and behavioral psychology.

Early partners gain priority access to our forthcoming dedicated research wing, complete with advanced data-collection facilities.

Given the urgent need for real-world neuroscience and behavioral psychiatry research,

Early partners get priority access to our future research wing, featuring longitudinal data tracking, behavioral monitoring, and advanced research tools.

research into Helios’ recovery programs aligns with key priorities of major research funding organizations, such as:

Our approach aligns with NIH, NIDA, and NSF priorities, providing powerful grant funding potential for cutting-edge research.

In addition, Helios’ structured environment presents academic co-authorship opportunities for high-impact publications in

Our alignment with NIH, NIDA, and NSF priorities, combined with our 501(c)(3) status, makes Helios an ideal partner for securing major research grants.

Most addiction neuroplasticity studies are either cross-sectional or short-term, limiting the ability to assess long-term changes.

We track multi-year participant progress, capturing the natural cycles of progress and relapse inherent in addiction.

Replication-Ready Intervention Models (Exercise, Cognitive Training, Mindfulness)

Helios tracks multi-year recovery outcomes, capturing progress, relapse patterns, and resilience factors—a rare and invaluable dataset for addiction research.

not only support recovery but also induce measurable neuroplastic changes (Tang, Tang, & Posner, 2016).

Collaborative research here can reshape the future of addiction treatment and mental health care worldwide.

Background: Exercise, particularly high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and aerobic activities, has been shown to increase

Helios advances neuroscience-driven addiction treatment, giving researchers a platform to shape policy, refine interventions, and influence public health worldwide.

rates by over 50% compared to traditional treatment models (Tang et al., 2016). Despite these promising findings, such interventions remain underexplored in long-term, real-world recovery settings.

The Helios Recovery Center aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge neuroscience and holistic addiction rehabilitation.

Our six-pillar model integrates key elements of neurobiological restoration with behavioral, psychological, and social interventions, offering a comprehensive, research-driven framework for addiction recovery.

Helios integrates cutting-edge neuroscience with addiction treatment, offering a research-ready framework for studying dopamine regulation, neuroplasticity, and habit reprogramming in real-world recovery.

Our structured programs—including exercise, mindfulness, and cognitive retraining—offer researchers a turnkey environment for studying behavioral interventions without starting from scratch.

year longitudinal tracking, allowing researchers to monitor dopamine receptor recovery, cognitive function improvements, and emotional regulation over time (Volkow et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2012).

Helios provides replication-ready interventions—exercise, mindfulness, habit formation, creativity-based therapies—all under one roof.

This consistency enhances replicability and comparability, providing a strong foundation for academic rigor and funding (Bergen-Cico & Salekin, 2022; Parvaz et al., 2022).rates by over 50% compared to

Stoic cognitive reframing, expressive writing) to evaluate their impact on emotional regulation and identity reconstruction (Meshberg-Cohen, Svikis, & McMahon, 2014).

At Helios, we bring neuroscientists, psychologists, and behavioral researchers together to refine integrated treatment paradigms.

The Helios model aligns with funding priorities of major research institutions, including the

Helios connects neuroscientists, psychologists, and behavioral experts to refine and test integrated addiction treatment models, bridging disciplines to advance recovery science.

Study addiction interventions where they actually happen—in a structured, naturalistic recovery environment, ensuring greater clinical relevance and external validity.

The Helios Recovery Center provides a structured, neuroscience-informed addiction and mental health recovery model designed for real-world research integration. Unlike traditional laboratory studies, which often struggle with external validity (Shiffman, Stone, & Hufford, 2008),

Helios offers an ecologically valid environment where behavioral interventions can be studied within naturalistic treatment settings.

This approach aligns with the growing recognition that addiction and mental health interventions must be evaluated in real-world conditions to ensure that findings translate effectively into clinical practice (Stout, 2021).

programs have reduced cravings and relapse rates by over 50% compared to traditional treatment models (Tang et al., 2016).

This real-world setting addresses the ‘science-to-service’ gap, ensuring findings translate into actionable clinical practice.

Many research efforts are constrained by short follow-up periods, narrowly selected participant samples, and artificial study conditions that do not accurately reflect the dynamic and

Helios ensures research turns into real-world solutions, allowing academics to measure and refine addiction treatments in active clinical settings.

Early partners get priority access to our future research wing, featuring longitudinal data tracking, behavioral monitoring, and advanced research tools.

presents academic co-authorship opportunities for high-impact publications in addiction neuroscience and behavioral psychology.

Early partners gain priority access to our forthcoming dedicated research wing, complete with advanced data-collection facilities.

Given the urgent need for real-world neuroscience and behavioral psychiatry research,

research into Helios’ recovery programs aligns with key priorities of major research funding organizations, such as:

Our approach aligns with NIH, NIDA, and NSF priorities, providing powerful grant funding potential for cutting-edge research.

In addition, Helios’ structured environment presents academic co-authorship opportunities for high-impact publications in

Our alignment with NIH, NIDA, and NSF priorities, combined with our 501(c)(3) status, makes Helios an ideal partner for securing major research grants.

Helios tracks multi-year recovery outcomes, capturing progress, relapse patterns, and resilience factors—a rare and invaluable dataset for addiction research.

Most addiction neuroplasticity studies are either cross-sectional or short-term, limiting the ability to assess long-term changes.

We track multi-year participant progress, capturing the natural cycles of progress and relapse inherent in addiction.

Replication-Ready Intervention Models (Exercise, Cognitive Training, Mindfulness)

not only support recovery but also induce measurable neuroplastic changes (Tang, Tang, & Posner, 2016).

Collaborative research here can reshape the future of addiction treatment and mental health care worldwide.

Background: Exercise, particularly high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and aerobic activities, has been shown to increase

Helios advances neuroscience-driven addiction treatment, giving researchers a platform to shape policy, refine interventions, and influence public health worldwide.

Skim it, scrutinize it, or redline it like a tough dissertation defense—we can take it.