Invest in the Future of Recovery

Science-backed, neuroscience-driven, and built for lasting impact—your funding fuels the next revolution in mental health and addiction treatment.

A High-Impact Investment in Mental Health & Recovery

The mental health crisis is accelerating. Traditional recovery models fail to address modern addiction’s root causes dopamine dysregulation, digital addiction, and overstimulation.

Helios Recovery integrates cutting-edge neuroscience, structured habit reprogramming, and evidence-based recovery protocols to create lasting, measurable change.

Your funding directly supports scalable, research-backed recovery solutions that will reshape the future of addiction treatment.

A High-Impact Investment in Mental Health & Recovery

The mental health crisis is accelerating. Traditional recovery models fail to address modern addiction’s root causes dopamine dysregulation, digital addiction, and overstimulation.

Helios Recovery integrates cutting-edge neuroscience, structured habit reprogramming, and evidence-based recovery protocols to create lasting, measurable change.

Your funding directly supports scalable, research-backed recovery solutions that will reshape the future of addiction treatment.

Individual Donors

Direct program funding

Community building

Tiered impact levels

Corporate Sponsors

Align your brand with mental health recovery

CSR integration & partnership tiers

Custom branded retreats

Grants & Foundations

NIH & NIDA eligible research

Institutional partnerships

Long-term research studies

Where Your Investment Goes

With structured neuroscience-based interventions

Using breathwork and mindfulness techniques

Multi-year participant progress data

Everything You Need to Get Started

Corporate Sponsorship Deck

With structured neuroscience-based interventions

Grant Proposal Template

Research partnerships and funding requirements

Case for Support

Detailed impact analysis and success stories